Monday, October 20, 2008


I truly believe that we are put on this earth to help those around us. I try to look for ways to serve my family, friends, neighbors and anyone that the Lord puts in my path. My mamma is the most amazing example of this. She has been given so much and just turns around and gives it all to others. She helps so many people without wanting anything in return. I think the more we share ourselves (time, talents, means, whatever) the more we will be blessed with. I am excited to help Jessica in her quest to provide love and security for those little ones that don't have it through Project Linus. I am going to try and make 10 blankets to donate. That's my goal and now that I've posted it I will be more likely to do it! Do any of you want to help? If so Jessica has posted all the details. If you need fabric let me know! I probably have so you can use!


Mique (as in Mickey) said...

Email me or call me asap. I want to talk to you about your trip.....

jess said...

thanks for posting this car. you are awesome as always. when i grow up i want to be just like you. CAN'T WAIT TO BE NEIGHBORS!!!